
2023 Concert Update Announcement!

We are proud to welcome back The BriTins on Friday December 15th 2023! The doors will open at 6:30pm with the concert starting at 7:30pm. The venue once again is Memorial Hall located at 72 7th St, Racine, WI 53403.

We have started mailing tickets out, if you have any questions please call 262-833-0320

We look forward to seeing you again at our event!

If you would like tickets and have not been a supporter this year please contact us.


We ask that if you receive a call that you please consider supporting locally the many great programs in Racine and throughout the County.



Several persons have contacted the Racine Police Association to verify our mailing address.  Donations are mailed to:

Racine Police Association

PO Box 402

Racine WI  53401-0402

Or you can submit your donation via PayPal right here on our site.  Please include your pledge number on your PayPal payment.